Erectile dysfunction: Viagra and Other Oral Medications

Find the top 6 oral medications that combat Erectile Dysfunction effectively.
Can’t I just get one doze that will completely knockout this thing that subdues my erection? 🤔 🤔

If  you’ve been seeking a solution, a permanent one, to curing ED, and you’re looking for a ‘Yea or Nay’ answer to that possibility, then this article is for you.

There are already several options, both medically proven and recommended to treat Erectile dysfunction. While many still have prejudice over which is more effective, Natural supplements of Medical solutions, the oral solutions explained in this article have produce tremendous success rate since inception. So, anything that works and has been proven so, is worth trying, or what do you think?

Here, we have broken down six of the best tested and approved oral solutions to combating ED in the 21st century.  

Top 6 Oral Solutions that Cures Erectile Dysfunction.
  1. Viagra (Sildenafil)

2 Cialis (Tadalafil)

3. Levitra (Vardenafil)

4. Stendra (Avanafil)

5. Edex (Alprostadil)

6. MUSE (Alprostadil Urethral Suppository):

Feeling the weight of ED? Don’t let it be a silent struggle. Take a pivotal step toward a more vibrant life by consulting with a healthcare professional. They are not just medical experts; they’re allies in your quest for fulfillment.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, a subtle force that is responsible for a chunk of sexual incapabilities and an awful end to the bedroom game, has beaten up several Men without no remorse for it.

ED is a condition when someone is unable to maintain a firm erection for a longer time or lose it before reaching sexual satisfaction. 

More interestingly, Linda Khoshaba, NMD, FABNE, and founder of Natural Endocrinology Specialists (NES), also defines ED as “the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.”

Actually, it’s not a big issue to lose erection, it can happen for several ‘non-dysfunctional’ reasons. However, it becomes a great concern if  it happens too often or becomes a recurring pattern, especially of it happens several times weekly over a period of 4 or more weeks.


What are the Causes and Symptoms of ED?


Many people believe the subject of ED only applies to older men. However, some results and analysis has debunked that ideology. Younger adults have also been discovered to suffer this subtle illness as well. In fact, according to Urology  Care Foundation, it’s estimated that more than 30 million men in the United States is affected by ED.

The symptoms can range from difficulty in getting an erection, to an increasing drop in sexual desires.  Although a prompt counter-attack after noticing these symptoms should be to notify or contact your doctor immediately, to decapitate that possibility of developing into proper ED.

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ED can result from a number of situations, including health challenges, emotional issues, or both. Here are some of the known risk factors:

  • Aging (especially men above 50 years old). 
  • Diabetes. 
  • High Cholesterol.
  • Smoking
  • High Blood Pressure.
  • Depression 
  • Cardiovascular disease. 
  • Large intake of Alcohol and Drugs. 
  • Sexual Anxieties . 
  • Improper or irregular exercises routine, etc. 

Although ED Is more abundant among Older Men, and ED chances increases with age, growing old is not automatically associated with ED, lest you get anxious of getting older. Old age is not always going to cause ED. There are several men who stays sexually functional and active even into their 80s. However, it’s essential to take note of these symptoms and act promptly to increase any chances of curing it in infancy. 


Fortunately, over the years, having studied the symptoms, causes, and effects of this embarrassing challenge, experts and medical professionals have developed solutions that have been medically tested and proven to be effective for curing ED. Some of these (most effective) Solutions are Oral medications and we’re going to discuss them in a bit. 

Therefore, this should bring some comfort that you’re not alone. ED affects many, and understanding the available oral medications is crucial. Read through to appreciate the top six Oral ED solutions, each of them presents unique attributes that could potentially reignite the flames of passion.

Six (6) Oral Solutions to Treat ED.

1. Viagra (Sildenafil):

Viagra, the groundbreaking ED treatment, deserves its reputation. Often hailed as the champion in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Viagra functions as a potent phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. By this, it channels an increase in blood flow to the penile region, which facilitate the emergence of solid, firm, and sustained erections. 

With an impressive success rate of approximately 80%, Viagra has proven to be a reliable option for countless men worldwide. Its user-friendly administration, typically requiring ingestion 30-60 minutes before anticipated activity, adds to its credibility amongst other options.

Having been tested and proven for its efficacy with several success testimonials, It boasts of a dependable track record and user-friendly administration. 

However, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects such as headaches, facial flushing, or indigestion. Therefore, it’s advised to stick to the prescribed dosage and remain mindful of potential interactions with other medications.

2. Cialis (Tadalafil):

Cialis is an effective bedroom savior and it is approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Often fondly referred to as ‘the weekend pill,’ Cialis is a formidable contender in the realm of ED solutions. What sets it apart is its extended effectiveness, lasting up to an impressive 36 hours. This means that a proper application according to best recommended usage will yield maximum result. 


This characteristic empowers users with greater confidence for positive result and slashes any fear or uncertainties. Users finds this option a life-saver with the numerous testimonials approving it. 

Boasting a success rate comparable to Viagra, Cialis earns praise for its prolonged duration of action, which reduces the risk of muscle pain and lower the chances of any side effects.

Well, Cialis is no magic lotion, neither is it an automatic pain absorber, therefore it requires users to exercise patience as it may take a bit longer to manifest its effects. Some individuals have reported experiencing back pain or headaches as side effects. However, these effects are typically manageable and transient. 

Lastly, when considering Cialis as an option, users are encouraged to weigh the advantages of prolonged efficacy against the potential for delayed action and mild side effects. This informed approach, coupled with consultation with healthcare professionals, ensures a balanced and tailored strategy for managing ED.

3. Levitra (Vardenafil):

Levitra is another formidable PDE5 inhibitor and one that rivals Viagra in its degree of effectiveness. Boasting of a faster action usually within 25-60 minutes, Levitra has earned its place among effective ED solutions. 

This rapid action contributes to its popularity among users seeking a quick and reliable solution for ED. The effectiveness of Levitra is on par with Viagra, offering users a comparable success rate in achieving and sustaining erections. With this, its authenticity have been strengthened among top recommended ED solutions. 

On the flip side, you should be cautious if you’re on certain medications, you should be aware of potential side effects like nasal congestion or dizziness, but the incidence is generally lower. However, in such cases and to be on the safest side, you should consider speaking with a healthcare professional to ensure compatibility. As with any ED medication, an informed and transparent dialogue with healthcare professionals guides users towards a personalized approach that maximizes benefits while minimizing potential risks.

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4. Stendra (Avanafil):

Meet Stendra, the swift superhero of the ED realm. With a reputation for an impressively rapid action, sometimes as quick as 15 minutes, it’s getting famous as a dynamic alternative. 

This swift action positions Stendra as a dynamic alternative for individuals desiring spontaneity and responsiveness in their ED treatment. Users appreciate not only its quick action but also its high efficacy, with success rates comparable to established medications like Viagra.

While Stendra standouts out for its rapid action, high efficacy, and a lower likelihood of causing visual disturbances, however, users must be prepared for the potential of a higher price tag compared to other options. 

Economic considerations may come into play when selecting a suitable ED medication, and users are encouraged to weigh the benefits of rapid action and efficacy against cost considerations. 

As with any medication, individual responses may vary, reinforcing the importance of open communication with healthcare professionals to tailor a solution aligned with personal needs and preferences.

5. Edex (Alprostadil):

Edex takes a different approach, leveraging alprostadil, a potent vasodilator, to enhance blood flow directly into the penis. This injectable option stands out for its efficacy, direct delivery to the affected area, and a relatively low incidence of systemic side effects. 

However, the idea of self-injection may ring a different bell to some people, underscoring the importance of addressing concerns and fears with healthcare providers. Therefore, it’s essential to follow proper administration guidelines.

The efficacy of Edex, combined with its direct delivery mechanism, positions it as a valuable alternative for individuals unresponsive to oral medications or those seeking a more immediate response. But for emphasis sake, to harness the benefits of Edex optimally, users must adhere rigorously to proper administration guidelines.

Open communication with healthcare providers is pivotal in addressing concerns related to self-injection, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the medication’s benefits and the establishment of a tailored treatment plan.

6. MUSE (Alprostadil Urethral Suppository):

MUSE, short for “Medicated Urethral System for Erection,” represents a distinctive non-oral alternative in the realm of ED treatments. It uses a medicated pellet inserted into the urethra to induce an erection. This targeted delivery minimizes systemic side effects. 

The localized action of MUSE minimizes systemic side effects, making it an attractive option for users seeking precision and efficiency in their ED management. The convenience of this delivery method further adds to its appeal. However, it may cause urethral pain or minor bleeding in some cases.

The localized action of MUSE is accompanied by the convenience of administration, offering an alternative for individuals who may be averse to or unable to tolerate injections. However, users should be aware of potential side effects, such as urethral pain or minor bleeding, which may occur in some cases. A discussion with healthcare professionals is crucial for users considering MUSE, ensuring a thorough understanding of the benefits and potential risks associated with this unique urethral suppository.

Image Source: Freepik
How these Oral Solutions Compare Among Other Treatment Options?

When comparing these options, studies show that Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra have similar efficacy rates, ranging from 60-80%. It’s important to note that individual responses to these medications may differ, emphasizing the need for a personalized approach. Collaborating with a healthcare provider becomes the linchpin in this process, guiding users towards the most suitable solution tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

Also, for individuals seeking to weigh the options of Natural Supplements Versus these Medical Solutions, your healthcare professional may guide you, however, the best way to really know the difference in the approaches they provide is when you try them out. 


Embarking on the journey to combat ED is a personal one, and the path may differ for each individual. Remember, seeking professional advice is the first step toward reclaiming your vitality. The array of options, from the classic Viagra to innovative solutions like Edex and MUSE, offers hope and flexibility. As you navigate this terrain, let curiosity guide you, and embrace the journey towards a more vibrant, confident, and fulfilling life.


As a commitment to helping you enjoy the best of health experience, we have a guide for you.

Use this guide to better understand your body and enjoy a satisfying onboarding and a healthy lifestyle.

Now, go forth, my friend, and let the pursuit of pleasure be as colorful as a palette of possibilities. After all, the canvas of life is meant to be painted with joy!


If you want to explore our Wealthy Health and Wellness Market—A Solution Store equipped with Natural Supplements to Combat Health Antagonists like ED, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, and Prostate. Check it out today and make your order to begin your journey into a more satisfying sexual experience and general optimized health. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I know which ED Medication is right for me?

Choosing the right ED medication involves a good understanding of your personal health, preferences, and lifestyle. Factors such as your overall health, existing medical conditions, medications you may be taking, and your desired level of spontaneity all play a role. Consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific situation, discuss the pros and cons of each medication, and help tailor a solution that aligns with your needs.

 2. Are there Lifestyle Changes that can complement ED Medications?

Yes, adopting a healthy lifestyle can complement the effectiveness of ED medications. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress can positively impact erectile function. Additionally, limiting alcohol intake and avoiding tobacco can contribute to overall sexual health. It’s crucial to discuss lifestyle changes with your healthcare provider, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

 3. Can I take ED medications if I have other health conditions or take multiple medications?

In many cases, ED medications can be safely used by individuals with other health conditions or those taking multiple medications. However, it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about your complete medical history and all the medications you are currently taking. Some medications may interact with ED drugs, and certain health conditions may necessitate adjustments in dosage or choice of medication. A healthcare professional can provide guidance to ensure the safety and effectiveness of ED treatment in the context of your overall health.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding High Blood Pressure or any other medical condition.

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