Did you know? Testosterone level begin to drop as early as age 30. Over 40% of African men are unaware of this decline, leading to missed opportunities for early intervention and improved health.

This hormonal decline can significantly impact your mood, energy, and overall well-being.

Wondering how to identify these signs without a lab test?

This article will teach you how to check testosterone level at-home without test based on some easy-to-notice signs. Let us help you be in charge of your health. 



Table of Contents


7 Signs of Low Testosterone level: What to Look for 

ow to check your testosterone levels at-home without test

It is important to note that testosterone is the hormone that defines a man’s energy. From energy in the physical sense to maintaining emotional well-being, it has a vital role to play. 

When the testosterone level in your system begins to drop, you start to observe the changes in different aspects of your life. 

Below are the possible symptoms you should watch out for, especially if you cannot take a test. 


1. Decreased Libido and Sexual Function


The first sign of low testosterone level in a man is increasing lose of sexual desire. Testosterone is known to cause sexual urges in men, and therefore, any drop in this hormone will lead to a decrease in sexual desire. 

In addition to a reduced sexual desire, you may also have erectile dysfunction or find it difficult to maintain erection. 

Nigerian men, like men everywhere, value their sexual health. A noticeable decrease in sexual desire or frequency can be a sign of an underlying hormonal imbalance. You must therefore learn how to check your Testosterone Level at-home without Test to deal with this situation fast.

This is a common concern among men and should not be dismissed as a simple loss of interest. One of the 


2. Constant Fatigue and Low Energy


Do you find yourself feeling more tired than usual, even after a good night’s sleep? This persistent lethargy could be a sign of low testosterone. 

Unlike ordinary tiredness, this type of fatigue is chronic and can leave you feeling drained.

Men across Africa, especially young adults, often experience a decrease in energy levels, regardless of their daily activities. This fatigue may intensify throughout the day or after physical exertion.


3. Mood Swings and Depression 


While you might not associate testosterone with emotions, it plays a significant role in brain function. Low testosterone levels can lead to mood swings, irritability, and even depression.

African men, often expected to be strong and stoic, may find it difficult to express these emotional changes. This can lead to suffering in silence, especially when experiencing unusual levels of stress or depression without a clear reason.

Research indicates that men with low testosterone are more likely to experience depression compared to those with normal levels.


4. Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength


Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle development and maintenance. If you’re noticing decreased muscle mass or strength despite consistent exercise, low testosterone might be a contributing factor.

This is particularly important for older African men involved in physically demanding jobs or sports, as maintaining muscle mass is essential for overall health and well-being.


5. Increased Body Fat, Especially in the Abdomen

How to Check Testosterone Level at-home Without Test


Low testosterone can lead to changes in body composition, including increased body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, you may notice weight gain if testosterone levels are low.

Abdominal fat is not just a cosmetic concern; it’s associated with increased health risks, such as diabetes and heart disease.


6. Hair Loss 


Hair loss isn’t always a sign of aging. Low testosterone levels can contribute to thinning hair or hair loss. While genetics play a significant role, testosterone is essential for hair growth.

If you notice receding hairlines or hair loss on your head or face, it could be an indication of declining testosterone levels. 

Remember, both head and body hair can be affected by hormonal changes.



7. Mental Fog and Difficulty in Concentrating


Testosterone, a key hormone in the body, also plays a crucial role in brain function. Low testosterone levels can lead to “brain fog,” a condition characterized by difficulty focusing, making decisions, or recalling information. 

This cognitive decline can be particularly challenging for men in demanding work environments, as a sharp mind is essential for professional success. 

If you’ve noticed a decline in your mental acuity, it might be worth considering the potential impact of low testosterone.


How to Check Testosterone Level at-home Without Test


Knowing and understanding these signs is the first step to monitor your testosterone levels without having to take a test.

Now, let us discuss realistic signs and ways to observe these changes and check testosterone level at-home without test. 


1. Monitor Your Energy Levels 


How to Check Testosterone Level at-home Without Test


Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day. If you find yourself feeling consistently tired, even after a restful night’s sleep, it could be a sign of low testosterone.

Observe any patterns or trends in your energy levels. For example, you might notice a significant drop in energy during specific times of the day, such as the afternoon.


2. Track Your Moods 


Sudden shifts in mood, such as excessive senstivivity in some part of your body, or feelings of sadness, can be signs of hormonal changes. 

While stress can also contribute to these emotions, it’s important to consider the potential impact of low testosterone.

To track mood fluctuations, consider keeping a mood journal. This can help identify patterns and determine if hormonal changes might be a contributing factor.


3. Evaluate Physical Strength 


Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle development and maintenance. 

If you’re noticing a decline in your workout performance or a decrease in muscle size, it could be a sign of low testosterone.

Pay attention to whether you’re struggling with exercises that were previously easy or if you’re losing strength despite consistent workouts.


4. Notice Changes in Libido 

How to Check Testosterone Level at-home Without Test

The state of your sexual health quickly determines testosterone. A decrease in your sex drive or the inability to get and sustain an erection may be indicators that your testosterone levels are below the optimum. 


5. Observe Changes in Body Composition


If you’ve noticed weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine, it could be a sign of hormonal changes, including low testosterone.

Pay attention to any significant changes in your body composition that don’t align with your lifestyle habits.


6. Watch for Hair Loss 


Excessive hair loss, beyond what is expected with natural aging, can be a potential indicator of low testosterone. 

Pay attention to changes in hair density on your head, as well as body hair, such as chest hair or armpit hair.


7. Mental Sharpness (Cognitive) Test 


If you’re experiencing a decline in mental sharpness, such as difficulty focusing, remembering information, or making decisions, it could be a sign of low testosterone. Hormonal imbalances can significantly impact cognitive function.


Mental Sharpness Test

To assess your cognitive abilities, consider taking a simple self-assessment. There are various online resources and cognitive tests available that can help you gauge your mental sharpness. 

These tests often involve tasks such as:

  • Memory recall: Remembering lists of words or numbers
  • Problem-solving: Solving simple puzzles or riddles
  • Attention span: Focusing on a task for a set period
  • Processing speed: Responding quickly to visual stimuli


Taking Action: What to Do If You Suspect Low Testosterone

How to Check Testosterone Level at-home Without Test


If you have noticed some of the symptoms mentioned above, it becomes essential that you take the necessary measures to control your testosterone levels. 

Self-monitoring is an excellent way to start, but it is advised that one seek professional help. 

Low testosterone can significantly affect a man’s quality of life, and therefore, early diagnosis and intervention are essential. 


How to Boost Testosterone Level Naturally


If you are worried about your low testosterone levels, there are natural ways to boost them. Strength training and HIIT have raised circulating testosterone levels, and exercise should be performed regularly. 

Healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, should also be consumed in large proportions as they aid in producing hormones in the body. 

Another is sufficient sleep, as lack of sleep can significantly affect testosterone levels. 

Practicing mindfulness techniques, yoga, or deep breathing can also help since high-stress levels increase cortisol, which is bad news for testosterone. 

Lastly, the correct weight should be maintained, as obesity is connected with reduced testosterone levels. 

These habits should be adopted naturally and gradually into one’s lifestyle, and they would automatically boost and complement one’s testosterone levels. 





Testosterone influences our live s in ways we would not think of. Although getting laboratory tests is the most direct way to diagnose low testosterone, it is equally beneficial to be aware of these signs and seek help immediately. 

As a man, it is essential to monitor your body performance regularly, and understanding how to check your testosterone level at-home is one of the ways to start.

Start paying attention to your body, monitor these symptoms, and do not hesitate to seek help if you discover any signs. 

Have you noticed any of the symptoms stated in this article? Don’t ignore the signs. 

Start managing your health now and visit Enthusiast Express for more informative health tips. 

You are your health – so don’t wait! 



At Enthusiast Express, we agree that every man should have energy, confidence, and vitality. 

Our platform provides African men with the most relevant health, fitness, and well-being information for the modern man. 

From the best information on managing testosterone to diet plans and workout regimens, we give you the resources to improve your existence. 


Sign up to join Enthusiast Express now and discover the new, improved, healthier, and stronger you.