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Discover a Culinary-Inspired Mental Health Guide for Navigating Adulthood

Get ready for an incredible journey where the everyday Dodo (fried plantain) becomes the key to a fantastic existence. In ‘Inspired by Dodo,‘ Olalekan Owonikoko shows you how to find joy, manage stress, and speak the language of love in a way that’s truly out of this world.

Embark on Your Amazing Journey! Grab your copy of ‘Inspired by Dodo now and start living a spectacular life.

This guide is tailor-made for men seeking to cultivate healthy habits and navigate the expectations of adulthood, all while effectively managing the inevitable mental stress that accompanies it…

Many men face the formidable task of managing adulthood expectations, grappling with stress, and striving for happiness.

‘Adulthood Na Scam!’ The reality check most of us have to come to terms with. 

‘Na man you be, no mean say you no need to take care of yourself.’ We often want to protect, help, and provide guidance for others especially our loved ones while neglecting ourselves in the process. 

Imagine drawing inspiration from mundane things to cope with adulthood shinanigans…

This book provides practically applicable tools to help you find inspiration to move on and hope in the pursuit of happiness…

That’s just a taste of what Olalekan Owonikoko has served hot in this cooler.

Ready to have a taste?

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Delve into the Rich Metaphor of 'Dodo' (Fried Plantains) to Uncover Insights on Fulfillment, Stress, Social Stereotypes, and Love Languages.

The author is a Mental Health Advocate, Writer, Singer and also the founder of @musicfordev and @uncluter. He draws inspiration from his love for Dodo and engagement at Unclutter where he uses art as a therapeutic tool in helping young people achieve a healthy mental state.

After reading this book, you’ll have a mental shift towards adulthood, be intentional, prepare and self-aware of your actions, environment and how to leverage it for healthy living and successful aging.

The book also provides prompts and a journal for the application of the strategies and techniques highlighted by the author.


The chapter explores the profound satisfaction derived from eating Dodo, drawing parallels to the complexity of embracing complete fulfillment in life. It delves into societal conditioning that deters us from pursuing true happiness, leading to self-sabotage and settling for mediocrity. The author gives practicable and applicable recommendations to these dynamics in the book.

The chapter reflects on childhood influences that shape culinary preferences, exploring how societal scripts impact our sense of fulfillment. It addresses the conflict between group identity and individual desires, highlighting the tendency to conform to social stereotypes.

Discover the magic of stress relief through cooking, with Dodo (fried plantains) as the secret ingredient. Uncover the power of daily rituals—prioritize self-care, find your “bucket fillers,” and make time for soul-nourishing activities. Grab a Copy of the book to learn how to find balance and fulfillment in the midst of life’s chaos



Meet the author of Inspired by Dodo, Olalekan Owonikoko

Olalekan Owonikoko – The ImisiOluwa is a creative writer and mental health advocate who is driving individual and community change using Art as a tool. He is passionate about helping young people navigate through mental health hurdles for productivity and all-around fulfilment.

In 2019, he started ‘Unclutter’, a mental health initiative and community that organizes periodic creative art activities geared towards mental stability and healthy lifestyles for young people.

He is a musicologist and writer with over ten years of performance experience and is a Counseling Therapist in training.

The “Inspire by Dodo” E-Book is originally priced at N2,000

but thanks to the partnership between Enthusiast Express and Unclutter (the author’s organization),

you can now enjoy a 10% discount, bringing the cost to N1,800.

PS: Money back guarantee if you don't get the value for your money while you still have the copy with you.

click the link below to get 10% discount